So today i bring you the story of iGouge, a tribe formed from the ashes of Where?
The birth of a new tribe... formed by friends who have a bond that can only be created through time, with that bit of magic hidden beneath the surface that...
The details of this story came from Lord.Haseo and Wicked Intentions, two very nice players, I did find Haseo liked to do all the talking but it's clear Wicked is the brains of this outfit...
So we begin back in the very early days of this world, a few friends looking for a new world after their win on World 36... a solid history to move forward from, knowing that this would be their next conquest those who had joined spread the word calling for others. They came answering the age old request for re-enforcements on the battlefield.
A few joined an unknown crew called "WOOD" in an attempt to gather friends and past tribe mates, the bonds were forming once again, those memories of the old wars flooding back. They could see the future...
But now the world was expanding, they were no longer to be seen as a Rim tribe and now they had reached their peak, the tribe was not growing. A choice had to be made, players moved, some went down the path of the lone wolf, a path that many have followed before them, others took the cowards way out....
Another tribe was showing their worth Where? were growing in strength, the members of the old WOOD tribe were facing a new threat, they were soon to became food for PMS... The remaining members found themselves looking to HIMYM for their home, a home that proved to be testing on the new members who were moved into leadership roles in a matter of weeks.
With tribes closing in on their position HIMYM were feeling the squeeze... K24 was now being entered by Where? and Onfire, they could not hold against that kind of onslaught, and so with the end looking like it was coming for them our players joined Where? to be re-united with old friends so they could once again just be called players, no pressure to lead the fight anymore...
So our group was now part of Where? the top dogs in the region, a tribe that had everything going for them. Although there were no major wars or battle's, engaging in minor skirmishes on all fronts was a day to day event for some players...
The tribe felt strong and were ready to be a power in the core of the world, but there was something hanging over them, problems in the leadership, our groups offered their experience in leading, but by then it was too late...
Deals were being made for members to join Ex...
Our group were not interested, and lead by Lord.Haseo they left and began iGouge... as Ex took their pick of players Haseo made contact with those he knew to be good players and invited them, he was more interested in just having people who worked as a team and wanted to be in a crew that didn't just aim for points.
Now that iGouge had formed was it all smooth sailing...
The leadership like to think so...
As the tribe moved on and wars broke out across the core iGouge managed to keep themselves on the sidelines, not really taking a side in the going ons of the other crews, while focusing on their region in the northwest they had their own war with Brutal...
Battling day and night for weeks they captured villa after villa, killed armies and plundered loot, but were never really given any reason to worry...
Total conquers against opposite side:
Brutal: 1
iGouge: 19
Difference: 18
It was time to clean up the area, but they now faced a new problem... Not from a tribe but from within, one of their players could no longer continue with tribal wars,
The world number 1 player (at the time) had been taken out of the game, a loss that hit iGouge members hard, not because of the rank, but because a friend and their co players could no longer be part of this world...
A pain felt by many over the course of our career's in this game.
The choice was made and actions were to be taken, Lord.Haseo will be no more soon, as the only option was to use this to noble a smaller member and keep the account alive...
The road nearly ends for their leader Lord.Haseo but the tribe lives on and with him taking over where the players of Pain.Carbon left off they will still be a force to watch...
So i leave you with a few thoughts from me on this tribe of special players, well maybe just a bit odd at times as well...
If you can make friendships that stand the test of time, then don't you deserve to be at the top? sometimes we forget that this is just a game, and we are the piece's that make up a world of excitement...
Remember to have fun and enjoy the friends you have made...
Special Thanks to Lord.Haseo and Wicked Intentions for helping me with this.